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Don't be fooled by what you see on social media

Jul 30

1 min read



You jump on LinkedIn or Instagram and everyone seems to be achieving their goals, moving overseas, living their dream career...

It can be confronting.

Everyone seems to be smashing their goals but you feel like you're not.

You feel behind...

You start comparing yourself to the next person and those thoughts start spiraling...

I get it.

It's scary!!!

Change is scary. We all want to change in some form or another (otherwise we're not growing), but taking that first step can be challenging.

But that's why I truly believe going about change in these 3 easy ways, is the most effective.

1. Find the right environment

2. Surround yourself with the right people

3. Keep each other accountable

I admire those who can go about their goals alone, but personally, I'm all about achieving my goals with others. It keeps me more motivated!

If you're currently feeling really stagnant in life, want to feel excited about your day and your goals again, and ready to make some real changes with genuine people who want to see you win, let's chat!

Your accountability partner and mentor,

Stephanie Nguyen

Work With Me

My coaching programs and style are a unique blend of evidence-based programs, experiences, and research which is personalised to each client, focusing on mindset, self-leadership, and accountability to overcome this feeling of stagnation.


Ready to feel re-energised about your goals again?

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