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5 Ways Adam Grant, Steve Bartlett, Jeff Bezos, and Mel Robbins uses Self-Reflection to Make You More Successful

Sep 4

3 min read



Success isn't just about hitting milestones or achieving goals; it's about understanding ourselves, our motivations, and our journey. The path to true fulfillment lies in our ability to pause, reflect, and learn from our experiences. Here are five ways self-reflection can lead you to greater success—both personally and professionally.

1. Gaining Clarity on Your Goals and Values

One of the biggest challenges for high-achievers is the constant pressure to do more and achieve more. But, as Adam Grant often emphasizes, productivity isn't just about doing more things—it's about doing the right things. Through self-reflection, we gain clarity on what truly matters to us. When I was stuck in a cycle of chasing success defined by others, it wasn’t until I paused to reflect that I realized I was climbing a ladder leaning against the wrong wall. For ambitious achievers, self-reflection helps align our goals with our values, ensuring that every step forward is both meaningful and fulfilling.

2. Enhancing Decision-Making Skills

Steve Bartlett says, "Reflection is the fuel that powers progress." When we take the time to reflect on past decisions—both good and bad—we equip ourselves with better judgment for future choices. Think about Jeff Bezos, who regularly asks himself, "Will this decision make my future self proud?" Reflecting on our decisions forces us to consider not just the short-term outcomes but the long-term impact on our lives. When I decided to leave a high-status job to follow my passion in construction, it was a reflective decision that helped me align with my true purpose.

3. Building Resilience and Overcoming Challenges

Mel Robbins often talks about how resilience is built not in the moments when things go right but when things go wrong. Reflection allows us to process setbacks and failures, transforming them into stepping stones for growth. When you reflect on a failure, you don’t just analyze what went wrong; you uncover the lessons hidden within. This is why Master of Achievement was founded—to help people like you turn those stumbling blocks into building blocks. I’ve faced my fair share of setbacks, from being rejected by big firms to feeling lost in a career that didn’t resonate with my passions. Each time, reflection allowed me to recalibrate, learn, and grow stronger.

4. Boosting Emotional Intelligence and Communication

Adam Grant highlights that emotional intelligence is crucial for leadership. Reflection enhances our ability to understand our own emotions and those of others. When I worked with international students at my parents' restaurant, I noticed how self-reflection helped them become more confident communicators. By understanding their fears and self-doubts, they could work on them and become more effective in their interactions. Similarly, when we reflect on our interactions—what went well, what didn’t, and why—we improve our emotional intelligence and communication skills, which are vital for success in any field.

5. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Steve Bartlett once said, "The most successful people are those who are willing to look within, learn, and grow." Self-reflection fosters a growth mindset by encouraging continuous learning and improvement. When we reflect, we acknowledge our imperfections and embrace them as opportunities for growth. I used to struggle with perfectionism, always feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. Through regular reflection, I learned to appreciate my progress, celebrate small wins, and stay motivated for the journey ahead.

Why Self-Reflection Matters Now More Than Ever

In a world that glorifies the hustle, it’s easy to get caught up in the grind, forgetting to take a step back and reflect. But as we’ve learned from the greats like Adam Grant, Mel Robbins, Steve Bartlett, and Jeff Bezos, self-reflection isn’t just a tool for personal development; it’s a necessity for sustained success. Whether you’re navigating a career change, overcoming self-doubt, or simply trying to figure out your next step, taking time to reflect can provide the clarity and direction you need.

At Master of Achievement, we believe that success is deeply personal. It's not about ticking off a checklist but about creating a life that aligns with your true self. Through self-reflection, we empower you to unlock your potential, break through limiting beliefs, and set goals that are meaningful to you.

Ready to start your journey of self-discovery and growth? 

Join us at our Reflecting and Goal Setting Workshop this October, where you'll learn how to use self-reflection as a powerful tool for achieving your authentic success. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and set the stage for a fulfilling 2025.

P.S.: If you haven't already, I'd love to connect with you through my LinkedIn @stephanienguyenofficial and Instagram @masterofachievement!

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My coaching programs and style are a unique blend of evidence-based programs, experiences, and research which is personalised to each client, focusing on mindset, self-leadership, and accountability to overcome this feeling of stagnation.


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